Our vision

We want it to only be meaningful, inspiring and therefore lively corporate events.

That's a worthy goal. Basically, everyone involved with events wants to achieve it. Because what is nicer than getting in real contact with others? To meet - real or virtual - to exchange ideas, experience emotions and gain new insights? Apart from the fact that these are also the optimal conditions for good communication. And which corporate event is not primarily about goal-oriented communication?

But it's also an achievable goal. Since everyone actually wants to achieve it, everyone just needs to be empowered to do so. This is where we come in. With our offers and services, we want to help ensure that corporate events are beneficial for everyone involved and that as many needs as possible are satisfied. In addition, a well thought-out strategic concept aims to ensure that the realized values ​​remain alive in the future.

In order to achieve this, we proceed systematically. For this we have developed event thinking, the first universal method for the realization of company events. Real, virtual and all hybrid formats in between.

And because we can both plan and organize events, we also enjoy the individual, project-related cooperation with customers. In addition to the application of event thinking, our offer is expanded to include strategic and communicative advice. Because we know that corporate events unfold significantly more potential if they are embedded in a preceding strategy. Then the values ​​generated by the event can also bring the higher-level project to life - and make a decisive contribution to achieving the goal.

Since a concept itself is only one side of the coin, we also implement it for you in detail and with everything that goes with it.

Learn more about our approach

Our approach

Your events can mean more and make a difference. We are happy to contribute to this.

We don't really mean the Christmas party. But definitely an anniversary event – ​​if it not only serves to honor the past, but also to provide orientation and perspective to mediate in the future. Generally speaking: Events where something different afterwards should be than before. Because you have to plan for it to happen. Especially if that environment is complex.

A complex environment increases the expectations and thus also the demands on a Corporate event.

Not all events are the same - we design for you and with you the complex events of your company. These are the ones implementation the expectations are high. These are the ones whose results are only in the future grasp. These are the ones who make a difference: the people who take part and the way they do it way they act in the future. So it's often the events that relate to a company's strategy and/or culture.

You don't realize strategic events alone.

To strategic Designing and implementing events requires an interdisciplinary team. Because they work with the results that are only to be realized in the future Event organizers themselves usually don't go any further. Without event professionals, these But results are often not achieved in the first place. Because the full potential of an event counts to exploit, for example, in terms of good organization, captivating dramaturgy and compelling content.

The design of the content in particular is crucial for the success of the event.

But when does which content develop a burning interest among the participants? To this To be able to make visible in advance, you should proceed methodically. You have to get in Shift different perspectives, analyze ways of thinking and needs recognize. And his results are then structured and systematically incorporated into the complex event project integrate and ensure that on "Day X" they achieve exactly the impact that you want previously intended.

To achieve this, we have developed the methodical approach of event thinking. Together with our customers we work with this method - and do not impart it finally also directly in the project in the form of "learning by doing".