A unique added value of Veranstaltungsall is methodological content design right from the start on. Co-creative with the event owners & the project team – guided by the Veranstaltungenall materials.

The result:
An event that has an impact – exactly the impact that is intended!

All our materials are based on the roadmaps for real and virtual events. So they are always well sorted and tidy - and thus bring the promised structure into the process.

There are different types of materials. We present some of them here using the Process how to discuss and set goals of an event with events.

Veranstaltungenall roadmaps
Do them Complexity of the respective process visible - and with it more manageable.

Stakeholder Profile Cards
Make it clear who, how and with whom role in the event.

User personas for participants & Actors
Help the target groups of to take a clear look at the project.

Stakeholder Map & Testing map for events
Show the overall view - and help to test the process in advance.

Procedure items & Formats
Used to provide a stringent and captivating dramaturgy.

Design principles for the events industry


Veranstaltungenall integrate proven Principles of design thinking and makes so their benefits for the Event preparation can be used.

Design Thinking defined six phases of The design thinking process can therefore also be found in the area of ​​content design:

1. Understand:
What problem of the event owner do you want to solve? Which target he follows along the implementation of the event?

2. Observe:
Here we focus on all stakeholders involved. These are next to the Event owners and the guests also other stakeholders who value and benefit from the event To benefit want.

3. Define Perspective:
In this phase, the gained insights into a stringent Red thread condensed: From now on, all efforts should be based on it, so that the communicative effect of the event is maximized.

4. Finding ideas:
Using the elements of the How box and a creative staging will be in this Phase ideas for the implementation of the event generated.

5. Developing prototypes:
Our toolbox helps to design processes. she are recorded in schedules and moderation books.

6. Testing:
It's in the nature of things that every event only happens once can. But with You can now "dry rehearse" all events in advance perform and your operations as well Test moderation!